Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dreaming Out Loud

I had terrible dreams two nights ago...I don't know why my mind often meanders into darkness while sleeping. My dreams are often filled with people doing wrong to people. I use to be very afraid in them, waking to a racing heartbeat and hopes that it was, indeed, just a dream.

However, lately, I have not been as much afraid. Instead, I find myself assisting those that are being wronged. Whether it is trying to save someone from a murderer, kidnapper, etc. I have a clear mind, clear goal and understanding of what needs to be done in order to assist their freedom. I am not necessarily the one saving them, but I am clearly guiding them to the place of rescue. At the exact same time, I find myself fending off the proverbial "bad guys" as well. I don't feel that I can be harmed by them in the manner that they could harm the others; yet, I do sense danger. They tend to be more of a nuisance to me trying to assist others.

When thinking through my dreams, I have wondered if this is my subconscious acting out the desires of my heart. I find myself wanting to lead others to the Light in every day and every way. I am IN the Light, so I am safe; but I know that others aren't.

Just me thinking out loud.

God is so good to me. There is no greater freedom than that which comes when one is fully obedient to God. <3

38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)


  1. I think dreams are a variety of things including subconscious, but also spiritual and prophetic at times. There are several stories in the Bible of God speaking through dreams - Old Testament and New. Usually the dreams use symbols and metaphors. I've also seen a transition in my dreams since I've been radically undone - from vulnerable and fearful to warrior and protector - and encouraging others in my dreams to do the same - specifically by singing or saying the name of Jesus.

  2. My experience has been the Holy Spirit over time will change you from fearful to being the warrior to help save. For a long time I understood I was a bright light and would help others but only recently have I begun to really understand that what He wants me to do is not just comfort them and give them temporary relief but to lead them to him so they can be saved and find everlasting peace in Him then serve as well.
