Sunday, November 4, 2012

For ME

"Sweet Girl, I delivered you for Me." Words that I found very disappointing initially.

I have had so many things going through my head, heart, and soul over the past several months. They are  culminating into something pretty wonderful! I will say when I sat down with pen to paper asking God to clearly put the words in my head that He was trying to tell me...I asked Him specifically, "Lord, why did you deliver me?" "what is it that you require from me?" "what do you want me to do with that deliverance?" "Where do I need to go, what do I need to do?"

I felt a welling up in my chest and I just KNEW He was about to spill a tons of words out onto that page through my fingers and pen. Then he had me write, "Sweet Girl, I delivered you for Me." Then that feeling that He was going to continue to speak to me was over, I had peace and I knew He was finished talking. I received that words I had asked for from God, but I felt short-changed. I was looking for some great detailed, mapped-out explanation of what I was going to do with all of this "deliverance". Yet, all I received was "Sweet Girl, I delivered you for Me."

Really? That is all I got? I knew I felt more peaceful...but I certainly did NOT know why. It seemed too simple. Too elementary of a statement to me.

But, was it? Certainly not. It took this thick-headed believer almost a week for her proverbial light bulb to go off in her head. HE DELIVERED ME FOR HIM! That's it! He doesn't NEED me to do anything but be with Him. He took all of my pressure off of me...he granted me true rest, true freedom and released any expectation that I may fail at whatever He was asking of me!

I realize that some of you will say, "Duh!". But, this was more profound to me than that. I have been a worker bee my entire life and I learned the freedom of complete surrender in August...but I had not yet realized that He truly just wants me to be with Him. That's it. He wants me to love Him. That's it. He wants me to be in a relationship with Him. That's it.

Everything else is purely a blessing. No strings attached, no room for failure, no expectations. As long as I am focused on my relationship with Him, everything else will happen as He wants it to.

What an amazing statement He made to me! I could write a 10 page explanation of what that one sentence now means to me.

I love you God, more and more every minute!

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
Galations 5:1 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing I love how you summed it up that he saved you for Him, he wants to have that true and open loving relationship. Wow, we have all had best friends before and know how much we valued those relationships so it makes sense. I think the beauty here is it is our choice not something he has forced on you, once made He knows your serious.
